
Kicking off a coaching engagement for an individual or an intact team provides an excellent jumping off point to help understand one’s own leadership and its impact. We are certified in the most widely-used, effective assessment tools to support your organization’s leadership needs.


A Holistic evaluation of adaptability in the workplace, assessed through three core dimensions: AQ ability, AQ character, and AQ environment 

Birkman Report:

Assesses personality characteristics that shape behaviours, motivations, and perceptions to offer insights into how individuals may collaborate within a team environment. 

The Leadership Circle Profile (360):

An assessment tool designed to gain insights into an individual’s leadership style and effectiveness. Provides a comprehensive view of a leader’s strengths and current limitations by collecting feedback from multiple sources. 

Hogan Assessment

 Provides a comprehensive overview of individual strengths, performance risks, and fundamental values aimed at aiding emerging and midlevel managers in cultivating strategic self-awareness.

Profil Nova:

A validated tool for personal and professional development that assesses behavioural preferences, cognitive preferences, natural style vs adapted study, motivations and values. 

DiSC Reports:

A personal assessment tool based on the DiSC model that categorizes human behaviour into four personality styles: (D)ominance, (i)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness

Korn Ferry Hay Group 360 Leadership Assessment:

A world-class assessment to effectively analyze leadership utilizing both competence-based and behaviour-based approaches. 

TCI Team Diagnostic:

An assessment tool centered on competencies related to productivity and positivity, which delves into the team’s requirements separately from the needs of any individual member. 

AIIR Team Assessment:

Can assist HR business partners and team leaders in comprehending the obstacles teams face and support them in achieving success during these critical junctures. 

Grace Churchill is the most amazing mentor and business coach I have ever worked with.  Over the years Grace has thoughtfully guided me, challenged me, and pushed me to continue to grow and improve.  Through one on one sessions she worked with me to get through the business and leadership issues I was facing.  She also cultivated a great community of fellow business owners and created a safe and comfortable environment for us to share and support one another.  Grace really helped push me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to pursue a life that was true to who I really am.” 

Senior Advisor - Software Technology Solutions